Thursday, September 11, 2008



The sky was clear, black and a million little stars twinkled down on it as if someone had thrown glitter up into a massive black net. The full moon rested itself low over the horizon, reflecting its beam and snowling where the sea met the sky… that was a few months ago. Everyone should be snoring in bed at this moment. But tears are pricking in their eyes.

I looked around me and sighed. I could see the pain in everyone’s eyes. A sudden shiver made me crossed my arms tightly across my chest and I grabbed my thick fur sweater tighter around me. The sight of frozen blue carcasses floating on the wintry water surface which was less than 10°C made me nervous to the point of nausea. I tried to pull myself together but my eyes were swimming in moisture. The world was changing. The earth was flooded with icy cold water here and fiery heat on the other end of it.

There were several survivors sitting on the roof top, including me, waiting for the rescue team to salvage us. A flicker of hope pooled in my stomach as I vaguely heard a helicopter hover by. I stood up hastily and waved at the sky crying for help, focusing on my prayers and wishing that the helicopter would stop and convey us to a safe location. Thoughts of freezing and starving to death were washed away from our minds at this instant.

Our hearts collapsed to the rock bottom when the helicopter flew ahead, leaving us behind. In disbelief, I stared at the sky blankly. “We’re doomed,” I thought. A cold trickle of fear began to ooze down my spine as I wonder how are we going to survive this unfortunate catastrophe. I took in a deep breath and then I was lost in my memories, gently drifting the old scenes and events. I thought about my adorable childhood days, I remembered the times when greeneries spread throughout the land, birds soaring in the sky, butterflies fluttering everywhere


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